Villa di Lembang Bandung

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Cari Hotel di Bandung sesuai dengan pilihan anda : Villa Istana Bunga Lembang - Bandung  Villa Istana Bunga Lembang Sewa Vill...


   Natural shades  in istana bunga,villa in Lembang Bandung really amazing beautiful open landscapes supported with all the easy which access be one of excellence which owned,situated n road Kolonel Nasturi KM-9 Parongpong Lembang Bandung,Istana bunga is also close to the shopping center as well as a mini market a traditional market,so a will be easier for you all to go shopping needs while in villa istana bunga,And to for you which want to fill the void of time during be in the istana bunga,you can also visit beautiful places and still beautiful in around Lembang Bandung
   For tour culinary in Lembang,corn grilled,rabit satay,and still many again a place tous which to be in his culinary tour  Lembang,and you can also visit mall mall which any scattered in city of Bandung,outlets or shopping center will also jazz up your tour in the city of Bandung,which it surely will be one of your choice to be able to shop and buy souvenirs for your beloved family,one of which famos ciwok cihampelas with clothes and materials jeans his,largest shopping center in the city of Bandung Pasar Baru,so you can shop as much as possible and buy typical souvenirs Bandung,book a villa that was appropriate and match with your heart,resevations can instanly via your mobile,rental villa now also and we will provide the lowest posible prince,stay at the villa which has beautiful nature outdoors and a quiet comfortable place safely away from nolse verity suitable to place resting for you family,visit the villa istana bunga in Bandung and enjoy Natural shades in Istana Bunga,villa in Lembang Bandung

Penginapan yang kami pasarkan ini berada di jalan kolonel masturi km 9 parongpong lembang dekat dengan sebuah tempat wisata alam, kuliner salah satunya wisata dusun bambu, outbound cic, curug tilu leuwi opat, alam wisata cimahi, little farmer dan juga curug cimahi.

Kawasan penginapan Villa istana bunga tergolong kedalam kategori sebuah Komplek terbesar yang ada di daerah bandung barat – jawa barat cocok untuk liburan dengan banyak pilihan Villa Murah di Lembang dengan suasana nuansa alam pegunungan asri nan indah


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